Understanding and Coping with College Stress
“Starting college can be an exciting time for some, but it can also bring up stress and anxiety as you adjust to new responsibilities, environments, and expectations. Whether you’re currently in high school and preparing for college, or a first-year college student navigating this new experience, learning to manage your stress is an important aspect of making the transition.”
Creative Expression Activity: Resist Art
Themes of the activity: patience, imperfection, allowing mistakes, trusting the process
Materials needed: paper (sketchbook, drawing paper, or smooth multi-media paper), watercolor paint and a brush, white crayon or oil pastel
Accommodations for College Students with Anxiety
"Navigating college life can be a challenge for anyone, but for students dealing with anxiety, the pressures of deadlines, exams, and social expectations can become overwhelming. For those facing anxiety, advocating for accommodations is not only necessary but also an empowering part of the adjustment to college."
Takeaways from Inside Out 2: A Therapist’s Perspective
“First of all, if you haven’t seen the movie yet, I highly recommend doing so. It’s a beautiful demonstration of the complexity of emotions for kids and adults. There is SO much to be learned from this film, but I will focus on a handful of reflections I had while watching Inside Out 2.”
Art Therapy for Adults: Why It’s Not Just for Kids
“Adults may benefit from art therapy in various ways depending on their unique challenges. Art therapy can support adults in developing healthy communication skills, identifying their own needs in relationships, expressing emotions, improving anxiety and depression, and more.”
Embracing Holistic Healing and Exploring Trauma Recovery Beyond Talk Therapy
Guest Blog Post by Amanda Kimbrell, Trauma Therapist and Certified EMDR Practitioner
7 Steps to Compassionate Goal-Setting in 2024
“Rather than setting resolutions, let’s set flexible goals with self-compassion. Why? We’re all human. We’re all imperfect. Oftentimes, setting resolutions includes a high expectation that is not always realistic for a human to complete. Instead, we should set realistic, loving goals that help us make our lives more fulfilling.”
8 Ways to Navigate Grief During the Holidays
“Grief oftentimes brings up feelings of loneliness and sadness. While it's important to give yourself space to feel those emotions, it's also valuable to get connected with the people around you.“
5 Myths about Art Therapy
“When you hear the words “art therapy,” what do you imagine? Do you picture someone pointing to your drawing and telling you what it means (see myth #4)? Do you hear a therapist telling you that using the blue marker means that you’re sad? Do you think of children finger painting (see myth #2)? “
3 Questions to Ask Yourself Instead of “Why Can’t I Relax?”
“Rest is something that I’ve been exploring in my life over the past year. As a recovering perfectionist, I often find myself pushing to work more, accomplish more, and be busy. I have a hard time sitting still and slowing down to have fun.”
Practicing Self-Acceptance through Journaling Prompts
“This exercise focuses on developing self-acceptance through identifying and challenging beliefs.”
Creative Expression Activity: Draw the Emotion
“Creative expression is a great way to engage in self-exploration or to encourage self-awareness with those you serve. “Draw the Emotion” is an example of an art making activity to deepen connection with emotions.”