Individual Art Therapy & Counseling
in Nolensville, TN
Highly Sensitive People (HSPs)
College Students
Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) College Students Anxiety Self-Worth Adolescents

Anyone can participate in art therapy.
There are no age, gender, or experience requirements. Even if you haven’t touched art materials since grade school, you are welcome here!
What to Expect
We’ll discuss details in our 15-minute consultation, but explore the sections below to get an idea of what it’s like to participate in art therapy!
In Session
Each session will vary a bit, but typically an art therapy session consists of a check-in, time for art making, and time for processing/discussing. The type of art you’re actually making will depend on your goals, needs, interests, and time.
Having extended-length sessions can often be wonderful for getting the most out of art therapy. Choosing 75- or 90-minute sessions gives you more time to delve into the art making process with adequate time for us to process.
However, the standard session length for therapy is 50-minutes, and I am happy to schedule this length of session if you wish!
Art Supplies
How we approach art supplies will differ depending on where and how we’re meeting. If we’re meeting in my office, I will provide art supplies. If we’re meeting virtually, you will need to bring materials to sessions.
We will talk about supplies in more detail during our consultation and first session.
Location Options
You may choose to meet for art therapy in my office space in Nolensville, TN. We’ll have a cozy, private space to talk and create art together, as we work toward your goals.
Virtual sessions are available to anyone in Tennessee and Vermont. All you need is a private space, a device for the video call, and a small number of art supplies. This is a great option if you’re outside of the Middle TN area, cannot drive, or your schedule doesn’t allow for you to spend the additional time driving to our sessions.
Financial Information
Session Fees:
$170 for 50-minute sessions
$260 for 75-minute sessions
$315 for 90-minute sessions
Duration and frequency of sessions is something we'll establish at the beginning of our work together, and we'll adjust over time as needed.
Please ask about current sliding scale availabililty.
For more details about payment, length of sessions, insurance, and superbills check out the FAQs page.
Ready to Start?
Reach out to schedule your free 15-minute consultation.
I look forward to meeting you!