Creative Expression Activity: Draw the Emotion

Creative expression is a great way to engage in self-exploration or to encourage self-awareness with those you serve. “Draw the Emotion” is an example of an emotion expression activity to deepen connection with yourself.

Drawing of colorful bursts with the word "excited"

Draw the Emotion: Details

Prompt: Make an image of the emotion you’re feeling right now. The drawing can be abstract or show something from real life. Which colors do you associate with the emotion? Are the lines of this emotion smooth, curvy, squiggly, sharp, etc.? Are there any shapes or symbols that come to mind? How does the emotion feel in your body?

Materials: Paper, markers, crayons, colored pencils, oil pastels

Goal: Increase emotion expression, improve mindfulness, disrupt intellectualizing (thinking about emotions instead of feeling the emotions)

Time: 3-10 minutes

Population: This activity is a great choice for children, teens, or adults. We all can benefit from connecting with our emotions!


Processing & Journaling Questions:

How was that process for you? Difficult/easy to visualize the emotion?

Where do you feel that emotion in your body?

What usually makes you feel that emotion?

If you could choose how you feel right now, how would you want to feel? Draw that emotion.


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Art Therapy and Creative Expression