10 Ways to Create Structure as a Sensitive Soul

It’s a work in progress.

I am learning how to get out of my own way to allow myself to be more present and engaged in life. I am learning to give myself structure to encourage the self-care activities that help me thrive.

In this sense, structure means using resources that I need in order to be present, connected, and at peace. For me, this structure looks like…

…giving myself time to process through art making

…scheduling quiet time to journal, meditate, and stretch my body

...doing my best to go to bed before 11pm

Your version of structure and self-care will look different than mine. We’re different individuals and our sensitivity needs vary. I would encourage you, as I am practicing the same, to listen to your gut, trust yourself, and honor what you need. Which of the strategies below resonate with you?

  1. Utilize a written or digital calendar to reduce overwhelm of remembering all the things. With a digital calendar, specifically, setting recurring events for birthdays, events, and self-care tasks can be a life-changer.

  2. Schedule quiet time to reflect and rest.

  3. Experiment with various creative processes (singing, drawing, painting, gardening) to find what feels good and gives you peace.

  4. Schedule time to reach out to friends to make sure you stay connected.

  5. Write down encouraging affirmations and hang them up in the bathroom, in the closet, by your desk, etc.

  6. Use a laundry system that make sense for you. I use a version of the “no-fold” system, and it has significantly reduced my stress, energy spent, and frustration with laundry!

  7. Use a task organizer, like Trello, to manage what you need to do in work or school.

  8. Practice communicating your needs and take time off of work/school. Set a reminder to review your calendar and plan time off. Vacation or not, we need to take breaks from working.

  9. Make a list of the ways you have fun. Commit to doing at least one of those things every week.

  10. Create a self-care kit for work/school to use throughout the day. Include sensory items like scented lotion, essential oils, stress balls, fidgets, lip balm, tissues, etc.

You deserve to enjoy your life, feel grounded, and connect with the important people in your life.


Self-Compassion, the Inner Critic, and the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)


Why Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) Need to Create