Celebration of Endings and Beginnings

Snow on the ground with trees

The start of the year has given me a time for reflection.

I am grateful for the experiences of 2022, some challenging and some beautiful. Some were a little bit of both. This past year, I grew in my professional skills, developed more self-compassion, and celebrated various events in my personal life. I’ve continued learning about myself, what it means to be highly sensitive, and how to best meet my needs.

The journey of understanding and accepting myself continues.

I celebrate:

  • the support of supervisors, colleagues, and loved ones

  • the wisdom shared with me by others around me

  • the creativity that I’ve witnessed in colleagues and supervisors

  • a new professional chapter

  • moving into independence in my career

  • trusting myself to help people with the skills I’ve developed and will continue to develop

  • the past and future opportunities to walk alongside clients in their healing journeys

  • building self-compassion and trust in myself

  • connecting with my creativity

I invite you, as I invite myself, to reflect on the challenges, growth, loss, and hope you see in this new year transition.

What experiences are you grateful for from the past year? What can you thank yourself for? How can you celebrate yourself and give yourself kindness?


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Self-Compassion, the Inner Critic, and the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)