Adventures of a New Therapist


Rocky terrain? Slippery rocks? Yep.. I’ve fallen down a lot in this adventure. It’s been one with a lot of hurt, pain, sadness, and shame. It’s also been an experience of joy, growth, gratitude, and healing. All of those pieces mesh together in a messy, complicated web.

Being a therapist is a weird (and beautiful) thing. As therapists, our job is to support people through their healing process. Most of the time, we are also on our own healing journey… maybe the intensity of the journey varies and we aren’t alone in a dark hole, but we definitely still trip over sticks in the path every so often.

Navigating my identity as a human, a therapist, and a sensitive soul simultaneously has been a balancing act. There are a plethora of stories from the past few years in this profession, which I’ll share at a later time, but I need you to know that you’re not alone in the messiness of figuring out your place. Believe me.. I have had many moments of questioning my own purpose as a therapist and have dreamt of working in a bakery instead. I still have those moments sometimes, and that’s okay. I have to allow myself space to make my work also work for me and that is an ongoing process.


Why Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) Need to Create


I Am a Sensitive Soul