I Am a Sensitive Soul

I am a sensitive soul. I’ve heard… “you’re so sensitive,” “you take everything personally,” and many more. It’s hard to hear things like that. As a kid, I thought I was shy, awkward, and too emotional. Most people did not seem to understand my emotional reactions. Over time, I internalized the responses from other people and believed that my sensitivity was a bad thing.

I am learning that my sensitivity is not only a natural part of me, it is a strength in many ways. For example, I can feel joy, happiness, and excitement deeply. I can feel how others feel and empathize with them. I notice the beauty and subtlety in art. I have creative ideas, deep thoughts, and complex emotions. Of course, high sensitivity comes with challenges. Coming to terms with those challenges and even accepting them as a part of me has been (and continues to be) a journey.

As you explore your own sensitivity, I see you, I hear you, and I’m with you.


Adventures of a New Therapist